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Senior sales manager working with Gift-Supplier for 12 years. With a lot of experience in promotional gift business and understand what exactly customers need!

  • How We Can Help You To Make A Successful Lanyard With Your Brand?
    How We Can Help You To Make A Successful Lanyard With Your Brand?
    1853 Views Liked

    Easy to Carry customized lanyard string - Giving away a lanyard that is easy to carry is one approach to leave a lasting impression. This is a compact and lightweight item that is extremely portable, allowing people to take it with them anywhere they go. It is also easy to carry than other promotional things because most individuals use them around their neck. Affordable logo neck lanyard - Another explanation why the lanyard is considered to be so useful is that it is much less expensive...

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  • Best gifts for Technical school
    Best gifts for Technical school
    2434 Views Liked

    Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using heart-warming gifts for employees is not so bad for the companies who know people that love gifts. We decided to make a list of heart-warming gifts with logos to help you decide which customized gifts with logos you can giveaway to your clients and customers. Searching for an overwhelming promotional corporate Christmas gift can prove to be a hectic task. You may find decent promotional...

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  • Best Gifts for Technology Lovers
    Best Gifts for Technology Lovers
    1320 Views Liked

    Introduction Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using customized technology lovers gifts with logos is not so bad for the companies that know people that love camping. Horse riding is a great hobby, and many people love it. Depending on the geographical area, some areas may have more potential horse riders than others. We decided to make a list of customized technology lovers gifts with logos to help you decide which customized...

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  • Best gifts for Real Estate school
    Best gifts for Real Estate school
    1242 Views Liked

    Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using heart-warming gifts for employees is not so bad for the companies who know people that love gifts. We decided to make a list of heart-warming gifts with logos to help you decide which customized gifts with logos you can giveaway to your clients and customers. Searching for an overwhelming promotional corporate Christmas gift can prove to be a hectic task. You may find decent promotional...

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  • Best gifts for Private school
    Best gifts for Private school
    1433 Views Liked

    Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using heart-warming gifts for employees is not so bad for the companies who know people that love gifts. We decided to make a list of heart-warming gifts with logos to help you decide which customized gifts with logos you can giveaway to your clients and customers. Sarching for an overwhelming promotional corporate Christmas gift can prove to be a hectic task. You may fiend decent promotional...

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  • 2x2 cube
    2x2 cube
    1696 Views Liked

    Introduction We know that many types of cubes exist from simple to more complex forms. We will now discuss each one in detail. Here we will discuss the custom 2x2 Rubik cube. These are quite simple forms of cubes. 2x2 cubeIf we look into the history of the custom 2x2 Rubik cube we can see that it was invented before the custom Rubik cube but became famous after the custom Rubik cube. This is also known as a custom mini cube or custom pocket cube since they are very small in size and...

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  • Best gifts for Mobile Food Services
    Best gifts for Mobile Food Services
    1277 Views Liked

    Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using heart-warming gifts for employees is not so bad for the companies who know people that love gifts. We decided to make a list of heart-warming gifts with logos to help you decide which customized gifts with logos you can giveaway to your clients and customers. Searching for an overwhelming promotional corporate Christmas gift can prove to be a hectic task. You may find decent promotional...

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  • Best gifts for Grocery store
    Best gifts for Grocery store
    1293 Views Liked

    Many companies giveaway gifts to their customers and clients to promote their brand. The idea of using heart-warming gifts for employees is not so bad for companies that know people that love gifts. We decided to make a list of heart-warming gifts with logos to help you decide which customized gifts with logos you can giveaway to your clients and customers. Searching for an overwhelming promotional corporate Christmas gift can prove to be a hectic task. You may find decent promotional...

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  • Tubular Lanyards
    Tubular Lanyards
    2291 Views Liked

    Introduction Promotional Custom lanyards are made of loosely sewn polyester that's been rolled into a tube and squeezed at one end. This manufacturing procedure distinguishes them from other polyester lanyards. They're also the most popular and affordable alternative for anyone searching for a set of printed lanyards without going overboard.  CharacteristicsPromotional Custom lanyards are made from polyester fabric. Tubular promotional custom lanyards have a lower surface area than woven...

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  • Types of different Rubik cube
    Types of different Rubik cube
    1669 Views Liked

    IntroductionSince their creation, many types of custom Rubik cubes have been made. Nowadays there are so many types that they are difficult to keep track of. We will go through them.Types based on sizeEveryone is familiar with the custom 3 of 3 Rubik cubes. That has 6 surfaces. They are quite common and we see them around. One might think this is the only type of custom puzzle cube that exists but we are very wrong.  There are some twelve or even more types of Rubik cubes. Now if you...

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  • Full Colour Sublimation Lanyards
    Full Colour Sublimation Lanyards
    2083 Views Liked

    Introduction There are many different types of custom personalized lanyards, but did you know full colour sublimation lanyards are the best? The interesting point is that you can add visual art on it. These are the most prominent lanyards among all of them.  In mostly lanyards it is not possible to have tones, different colours or photos. But sublimation lanyards have made it possible for all of us.  It is noticed that there is a rapid increase in the demand of custom lanyard printing...

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  • Why the use of customized Rubik cubes is popular
    Why the use of customized Rubik cubes is popular
    1491 Views Liked

    IntroductionSince its creation, the Rubik cubes were simple objects. The cubicles in them were painted different colors instead of putting different colored cubicles but now the Rubik cubes have improved and have become better. They are not only used as puzzles but also as business strategies.Photo Cubes There is an ongoing trend of custom photo cubes. People customize their cubes and gift them to their friends. You can get many customized photo cubes. These custom photo cubes can not...

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Showing 73 to 84 of 198 (17 Pages)